Object Lessons

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September 16th, 2016 Permalink

Object Lessons opened last night at Manchester Community College in Manchester, CT.  I have 25 images on display including some new, larger scale, 24” x 36” prints.  The show also features drawings made by my long-time friend and colleague, Ed Hogan.   The show will be up until October 18th.

Object Lessons opened last night at Manchester Community College in Manchester, CT.  I have 25 images on display including some new, larger scale, 24” x 36” prints.  The show also features drawings made by my long-time friend and colleague, Ed Hogan.   The show will be up until October 18th.

Comforts of Home at the Panopticon Gallery

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January 29th, 2016 Permalink

Compared to last winter, it has been downright balmy in Boston all season. The streets are wonderfully clear of snow. So if you are up that way and have a chance, check out The Comforts of Home at the Panopticon Gallery on Comm Ave. I am fortunate to be part of this show which also […]

Comforts of Home

Compared to last winter, it has been downright balmy in Boston all season. The streets are wonderfully clear of snow. So if you are up that way and have a chance, check out The Comforts of Home at the Panopticon Gallery on Comm Ave. I am fortunate to be part of this show which also features work by Heidi Kirkpatrick, Bill Franson, Atelieri O. Haapala, Rachel Phillips and Stella Johnson among others. The show closes February 9th. http://www.panopticongallery.com/exhibitions/

Davis Orton Gallery

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August 24th, 2015 Permalink

I am really looking forward to my next show – in upstate New York on the banks of the Hudson River (in Hudson, NY).  I’ll be showing at the Davis Orton Gallery (http://davisortongallery.com/upcoming/) with my wife Rebecca.  Karen Davis is billing it as two separate solo shows.  Under the umbrella of “The Constructed Image” you […]

I am really looking forward to my next show – in upstate New York on the banks of the Hudson River (in Hudson, NY).  I’ll be showing at the Davis Orton Gallery (http://davisortongallery.com/upcoming/) with my wife Rebecca.  Karen Davis is billing it as two separate solo shows.  Under the umbrella of “The Constructed Image” you can also see portfolios by Bridget Murphy Milligan and Neil C. Jones.  It has been a summer of all work (of the non-art kind) and no play.  So we are looking forward to a weekend away in Hudson – see you at the opening.

ArtAscent Magazine

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August 24th, 2015 Permalink

This month (August 2015) my work was featured in the nicely designed  ArtAscent Magazine (https://artascent.com).  From their website:   “ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal is an international art magazine that showcases exciting emerging and indie artists and writers from around the world. The collectable magazines are published 6 times a year, and back issues remain available […]

This month (August 2015) my work was featured in the nicely designed  ArtAscent Magazine (https://artascent.com).  From their website:   “ArtAscent Art & Literature Journal is an international art magazine that showcases exciting emerging and indie artists and writers from around the world. The collectable magazines are published 6 times a year, and back issues remain available in both print and digital format.”

(Photo)gogues NE 2015

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April 23rd, 2015 Permalink

I have some pics in Boston this May, part of (Photo)gogues NE 2015 & Flash Forward Festival. Happy to be included!  Many thanks to the good people at the Griffin Museum of Photography, specifically Paula Tognarelli and Frances Jakubek, who curated the show. http://www.flashforwardfestival.com/…/photogogues-new-engl…/

I have some pics in Boston this May, part of (Photo)gogues NE 2015 & Flash Forward Festival. Happy to be included!  Many thanks to the good people at the Griffin Museum of Photography, specifically Paula Tognarelli and Frances Jakubek, who curated the show.


QVCC Closing

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April 15th, 2015 Permalink

A little over a week ago I took down my show (33 images) at Quinebaug Valley Community College in Danielson, CT.  Only today did I realize I never posted an announcement for the show on my news blog.  So consider this an announcement that the show is over and a shout out to the QVCC […]

A little over a week ago I took down my show (33 images) at Quinebaug Valley Community College in Danielson, CT.  Only today did I realize I never posted an announcement for the show on my news blog.  So consider this an announcement that the show is over and a shout out to the QVCC gallery director Mark Szantyr and his top-notch student volunteers.   Many thanks!  It was also a pleasure to talk with QVCC students about my work.  And Mark Szantyr, it turns out, is the real McCoy, amateur naturalist (in contrast, I am a dilettante, amateur naturalist).  I thought I’d impress Mark with a photo I took of a big bobcat who was hanging out in my backyard.  He immediately pulled out his iPhone and showed me his photos of cute bobcat kittens and, well, his photos just got better.  I suspect a good day for Mark is getting up before dawn and spending many hours very quietly deep in our CT woods.  He is a wealth of information and even identified a mystery bird (in one of my photographs).  Though I admit his description of parasites leaving a recently deceased, still warm “specimen” will cause me pause in the future.

I always like to make some new work for a show. Gotta keep it fresh. The gaps have been short between shows, so I have to work fast. I test out new images with each new show. In other words, I exhibit new work (in addition to older work) that was sometimes made weeks before an opening. Some images are ultimately exhibited only once. When I see the new stuff on the gallery wall, I sometimes have second thoughts. I had six new images in the QVCC show. Above is a shot of the set up I used for a new photo called Art Journal. I still like the end result, so will probably exhibit it again.

Reconnecting with Nature

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December 13th, 2014 Permalink

Kirsten Pitts, Dianne Niklaus, Joanne O’Neil (curators) and others hosted a well-attended artist reception for a show called “Reconnecting with Nature” at the Flinn Gallery in Greenwich, CT this past Thursday night 12/11/14.  The Flinn Gallery has been around in one form or another since 1912.  It is now part of the Greenwich Library.  The […]

Kirsten Pitts, Dianne Niklaus, Joanne O’Neil (curators) and others hosted a well-attended artist reception for a show called “Reconnecting with Nature” at the Flinn Gallery in Greenwich, CT this past Thursday night 12/11/14.  The Flinn Gallery has been around in one form or another since 1912.  It is now part of the Greenwich Library.  The show, which features the work of Katie DeGroot (who lives in upstate NY and coordinates the Skidmore College Summer Studio Art Program), Kathleen Vance (who lives in Brooklyn and created a site specific piece for the Flinn) and local Fairfield County artist Lisa Warren (we share a RISD connection) & includes my photos, will be on display through 1/21/15.  There is an artist talk on 1/11, 2 PM.  http://www.flinngallery.com/onview.php

David Hilliard at MCC

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November 28th, 2014 Permalink

David Hilliard is the next visiting photographer at MCC.  He will be visiting on Monday, December 1.  David will talk about his work and recent monograph at 11 AM in the Great Path Community Commons.  Open to the public, always free, everyone welcome.  Send me an email for more info.  Funded by the Dehn Foundation.

David Hilliard is the next visiting photographer at MCC.  He will be visiting on Monday, December 1.  David will talk about his work and recent monograph at 11 AM in the Great Path Community Commons.  Open to the public, always free, everyone welcome.  Send me an email for more info.  Funded by the Dehn Foundation.

Adore Chroma

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November 13th, 2014 Permalink

This month a portfolio of my work was featured with an interview in Adore Chroma Magazine (Issue 4).  From the Adore Chroma website: “Adore Chroma is a PDF based fine art photography magazine which celebrates colour fine art photography. Each bimonthly issue features six photographers ranging from world-renowned professionals to those just starting out.”  Adore […]

This month a portfolio of my work was featured with an interview in Adore Chroma Magazine (Issue 4).  From the Adore Chroma website: “Adore Chroma is a PDF based fine art photography magazine which celebrates colour fine art photography. Each bimonthly issue features six photographers ranging from world-renowned professionals to those just starting out.”  Adore Chroma is based in Vancouver.  The website is: http://www.adorechroma.com.  This issue also features Jay Sullivan’s excellent Glove series (http://jsullivanartist.com).

ARTini – Art and Alcohol – A Classic Mix

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October 25th, 2014 Permalink

My work will be part of the annual Hartford ARTini (organized by CT’s first lady) 10/30, 6-9 PM at Marquee Events and Catering featuring the Gershon Fox Ballroom.  Support the arts while celebrating the local community’s creative spirit.  From the best cocktail creations by area mixologists, to a curated Art Deco show by local artists, […]

My work will be part of the annual Hartford ARTini (organized by CT’s first lady) 10/30, 6-9 PM at Marquee Events and Catering featuring the Gershon Fox Ballroom.  Support the arts while celebrating the local community’s creative spirit.  From the best cocktail creations by area mixologists, to a curated Art Deco show by local artists, and recyclable flapper dresses by Trashion Fashion.  All proceeds from the event will benefit the Greater Hartford Arts Council’s annual United Arts Campaign, which supports more than 150 local arts, heritage and cultural organizations across Greater Hartford.  Tickets: $40.  https://letsgoarts.org/ARTini