December, 2010 Archives

Jack-Mush Take II

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December 18th, 2010 Permalink

The week before Thanksgiving last year I photographed what was left of the jack-o’-lanterns my wife and youngest son carved for Halloween.  I thought I’d do it again this year.  This time around, they seemed mushier.  My timing was off by a day or two.   The Jacks from 2009 were the first images I posted […]

The week before Thanksgiving last year I photographed what was left of the jack-o’-lanterns my wife and youngest son carved for Halloween.  I thought I’d do it again this year.  This time around, they seemed mushier.  My timing was off by a day or two.   The Jacks from 2009 were the first images I posted on this blog – under the heading “Knowing Jack.”

Veterans Day

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December 18th, 2010 Permalink

My father passed away this fall.  He served in WWII.  They played taps at his funeral.  His father (my grandfather) was gassed in WWI.  His father (my great grandfather) served as a naval officer during the Spanish American War, WWI and WWII (he died at sea).  This still life was made for Veterans Day.  The […]

My father passed away this fall.  He served in WWII.  They played taps at his funeral.  His father (my grandfather) was gassed in WWI.  His father (my great grandfather) served as a naval officer during the Spanish American War, WWI and WWII (he died at sea).  This still life was made for Veterans Day.  The WWI era Barclay lead soldiers are standing on the November 11, 1918 edition of the Washington Post with the headline:  “Armistice Signed.”

Armistice Day


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December 18th, 2010 Permalink

I have not posted anything in a long time.  I got real busy.   Things went haywire just before Halloween.   Halloween is a big deal at our house.  This year we threw our ninth annual front-yard block party with the usual fire and spirits.  Here are two images from that long ago event.  The noisemaker picture […]

I have not posted anything in a long time.  I got real busy.   Things went haywire just before Halloween.   Halloween is a big deal at our house.  This year we threw our ninth annual front-yard block party with the usual fire and spirits.  Here are two images from that long ago event.  The noisemaker picture was originally intended for the party invitation, but not used.  The other image is a snapshot from the party that makes me smile.

My youngest (13 year-old) son costumed as a baboon – his Jack in the background.

Vintage, tin, lithographed noisemakers.